Individual psychotherapy
People seek psychotherapy because they are unhappy, because they feel stuck in their way of relating to themselves and others which manifests itself in depression, anxiety, trauma, obsession, compulsion, addiction, eating disorders and other behavioural expressions of emotional pain. The desired outcome of psychotherapy is for you to be authentic and connected, able to engage with the adventure of life with pleasure, curiosity, creativity and excitement.
I offer individual psychotherapy where one can explore his or her emotions, thoughts and behaviours, how they are interlinked and related to one’s past history and current issues. The aim is to understand oneself better, to free oneself from dysfunctional repetitive patterns of being and to actively engage with change and growth.
Couples psychotherapy
A Harvard longitudinal study revealed that good relationships hold the secret to happiness. They also keep us healthier. Our need for close relationships is as fundamental as eating and breathing. We need close emotional bonds to flourish, yet emotional intimacy is far from easy to achieve. We long for it, yet we avoid it and attack it. We long for it, yet we engage with partners who are unable to give us what we need. To love means taking the risk of losing and suffering. Loving makes us feel aware of our vulnerability which we would sometimes rather hide, disguise or deny.
I offer couples psychotherapy to explore your relational difficulties (current and past), to understand their origins and meaning and to learn different ways of relating, resolving conflicts, communicating and loving.
Addiction psychotherapy
Addiction is defined as the pursuit of a pleasurable activity in spite of its negative impact on other areas of one’s life. The world of addiction is changing rapidly. Where we once believed that the object of the addiction was the issue (alcohol, drugs, food, sex), we now understand that the problem lies in the emotional experience that underpins the addictive behaviour. Addiction is an attempt to protect oneself against pain by offering an escape from it – some form of respite.
I offer addiction psychotherapy to address the underlying pain, make sense of it and learn to regulate it without resorting to damaging behaviours.
Perinatal psychotherapy
Becoming a parent is a life changing experience. From conception to birth to parenthood, every step brings joy and challenges. Women feel most vulnerable and isolated at this time in their lives. A mother is expected to feel only happiness and love for her child, but the reality of motherhood is far more complex and ambivalent. This ambivalence can make mothers feel guilty, abnormal, inadequate and insecure. Furthermore, the relationship between mother and child forms the template for the child’s future relationships. A mother can attend to her child far better if her own needs are also addressed.
I offer perinatal psychotherapy for parents to voice their difficulties, to have their needs attended to and in order to facilitate the development of a secure bond with their child/children. Mothers and babies are welcome to come together to work directly on their attachment.
Parenting consultancy
Being a parent is a wonderful yet puzzling, challenging and anxiety-provoking enterprise. It gives us the opportunity to examine our past experiences as children, the joys and pitfalls of how we were parented, and to critically assess what we want to repeat or change as parents. It opens questions about discipline, parenting styles, aims and values. Each developmental phase of the child brings new questions and challenges for the parents, with some phases being harder than others depending on our own history and potentially unresolved issues.
I offer parenting consultation to help parents with any relational difficulties they may have towards their children.
Personal and professional coaching is based on consultancy. It is a tailored approach to growth and change underpinned by analysis, planning and action. The focus can vary greatly from issues of physical appearance to self-esteem, relational skills to professional achievement; however the methodology remains the same, based on collaboration, proactivity, direction and dynamism.
As a coach, I offer a guided path to help you balance self-acceptance with the determination to grow. I offer a coaching experience and everyday steps that will enable you to achieve your objectives and goals.